Sanjaya Gets the divine sight or Divya Drishti

Do you all know that Dhritarashtra was first asked to get the divine sight to watch the Mahabharata combat by himself? However, he denied having it, and then his charioteer Sanjaya was blessed to have it. Here in this blog post, I will explain in short why did Dhritarashtra didn't agree to have the Divya Drishti.

Since Mahabharata war was once already begun, Dhritarashtra; the blind king of Hastinapura, used to be in dilemma wondering about his sons' vicissitudes. During that period Vyasa sage reached near him in Hastinapura. Seeing the devastated king, he noted him not to grief over the outcome of the war as the death of Kauravas' and the other kings' supporting their unreligious acts was already near.

Then sage asked Dhritarashtra if the king wished to see the warfare instances and the consequences all by himself, For that motive only Vyasa could provide him Divine sight or Divya Drishti. Dhritarashtra denied such an opportunity due to the fact he didn't prefer seeing the death of his loved ones rather he desired to hear about the whole war memoir. So he requested Sage Vyasa to do such a favor.

Sanjaya was then blessed via Vyasa with the divine sight in order to narrate the whole battle incidents of Kurukshetra. He was not only granted to see the events of combat in the daytime but also he could know about each and every scenario at the night During the battle and even about any strategy that had come to any warriors' mind.

Sage Vyasa assured Dhritarashtra that Sanjaya would not feel exhausted and would stay unhurt after using his Divya Drishti. He also confirmed Dhritarashtra that he himself would elaborate the repute of all Kauravas and Pandavas throughout the world. Then he left the kingdom after alerting the king about the upcoming disaster via elaborating the ominous signs.

Sanjaya had explained the whole motion of the Kurukshetra conflict to the king Dhritarashtra. In addition to that Sanjaya also had witnessed Lord Krishna's Virata rupa at the time God was giving the Gita Gyan to Arjuna, which he had described to Dhritarashtra.

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read about the reasonable answers of Yudhishthira and Lord Krishna to Sanjaya..


  1. Yes I have seen this in Mahabharat.. But the way u explained in blog is excelent.

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