Madhavi becomes the mother of four sons from different Kings and Yayati falls down from heaven

From my preceding publish we all came to know about how did King Yayati offered his daughter Madhavi to the sage Galava on behalf of wealth. Here in this blog post, I will provide an explanation for how did Madhavi assisted Sage Galava on his mission to repay his guru Visvamitra or Viswamitra eight hundred horses having a black ear on one side and How did her sons rescue their grand father Yayati while falling down from heaven.

Sage Galava went to the king Haryashwa or Hariyashva of Ikshavaku or Ikshwaku dynasty along with the charming Madhavi. The sage asked the king to make Madhavi his wife, have a son from her, and provide him eighth hundred horses as a price for Madhavi in return. Being consumed by way of lust, the king agreed to marry her. But he only had two hundred strong horses there in his kingdom as particular by way of the sage. As per the sage's advice, he married Madhavi and had a son from her named Basumana. Then thinking about his lack of ability to give more horses he gave Madhavi back to the sage in order to fetch more of them from other kings.

Then sage went to King Dibodasa or Dibodasha of Kashi kingdom. Galava gave the proposal to the king in an equal way he had given to Haryashwa. King also agreed to the sage. However, he also had only two hundred of the exact horses. As per the sage's recommendation, the king married Madhavi and had a son named Pratardan. The king then returned Madhavi back to the sage.

Then the sage in order to get the rest of the horses reached near king Ushinara of Vojanagara. The sage additionally inspired him to marry Madhavi and supply him four hundred horses as price in return. The king also had two hundred of the specific horses which he gave to the sages in return. As per the condition of the sage, the king accepted her as his spouse and had a pious son named Shibi from her. Then sage took Madhavi back with him. To fulfill the repayment of Visvamitra,  Sage had to find rest two hundred horses.

Garuda met with the sage and recommended him to present Madhavi in replacement to the rest of the horses to his Guru Visvamitra,  Sage Galava acted thus. Visvamitra was pleased with sage Galava. He accepted Madhavi to have a son from her and gladly acquired the six hundred horses from Galava. Madhavi had a son named Astaka from Visvamitra.  He gave Madhavi back to the sage Galava.

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Galava was delighted after repaying his Guru Visvamitra. Then he blessed her and returned her back to her father King Yayati. All her four sons Vasumana, Pratardana, Shibi, and Astaka were blessed via sage Galava to grow to be a Great donor, brave, truthful, and spiritual respectively. Yayati later had organized a swayamvara for Madhavi. But, she left the swayamvara and lived a lifestyle of an Ascetic in the forest.

Later King yayati died and went to heaven for his generosity and pious nature. But in heaven, he started out boasting himself In front of other deities and sages there. For which he lost his glory, no one could recognize the religious Yayati there and he began falling down from heaven as per Indra's order. Yayati after understanding his fault requested to fall down closer to religious humans only. At that time his four Dauhitras or grandsons were performing yajna in order to please God. Yayati fell down there. He gave his introduction to all of them. Yayati's daughter Madhavi reached there, respectfully recommended him to take her part of Asceticism that she had achieved throughout religious practice in the forest.

After getting recognized by way of his daughters and grandsons he started out going up in the direction of heaven. His feet stayed untouched to the earth. Vasumana, Pratardana, and Shibi gave their holyness to their grandfather Yayati. Astaka performed a yajna and also gave him all his sanity. With the assist of his Dauhitras, Yayati then reached heaven. There he offered prayers to Lord Brahma. Lord informed him that due to the fact of his pride such a religious king like him fell down from heaven and mercifully his grandsons made him acquire heaven again.

Naradaji told this story to Duryodhana in the court of Hastinapura to warn him of the consequences of his pride.

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read about Yayati's father Nahusha falling down from heaven..


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